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姓 名: 李翀 学 位: 博士 研究领域: 发育生物学、生殖生物学
研究方向: 1.体细胞核移植胚胎发育的表观遗传修饰缺陷机制研究。
联系电话: 021-65987363 E-mail : lichong@tongji.edu.cn
2014.10-至 今 同济大学生命科学与技术学院 副研究员
2012.03-2014.09 同济大学医学院 副研究员
2010.04-2012.10 理化学研究所(RIKEN) 博士后
2007.04-2010.03 日本关西学院大学,理化学研究所(RIKEN) 生殖生物学博士
2004.04-2007.03 日本关西学院大学 发育生物学硕士
2001.09-2013.06 上海师范大学,生命与环境科学学院 生物学学士
1998.09-2001.06 上海应用技术大学,化学工程系 大专
李翀博士是同济大学生命科学与技术学院高绍荣课题组的副研究员,擅长各类胚胎显微操作技术,长期从事小鼠克隆胚胎发育的表观遗传水平调控的研究,参与了多项利用小分子化合物对克隆胚胎的发育异常进行人为调控的研究。此外,还开发了小鼠生殖细胞长期非冷冻保存以及基于单精子卵母胞浆内注射技术的快速高效转基因小鼠制备方法。李翀博士以主要成员身份参与科技部“国家重点研发计划干细胞及转化研究重点专项”一项,主持和参与国家自然科学基金“青年项目”各一项,研究成果在Nature,Cell Stem Cell,Nature Cell biology,J Clin Invest,Cell Reports等国际知名学术期刊发表相关成果20余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者论文共4篇。
1.Wang C, Liu X, Gao Y, Yang L, Li C, Liu W ,Chen C, Kou X, Zhao Y, Chen J, Wang Y, Le R, Wang H, Duan T, Zhang Y, Gao S.(2018) Reprogramming of H3K9me3-dependent heterochromatin during mammalian embryo development. Nature Cell Biology. doi:10.1038/s41556-018-0093-4
2.He W, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zheng W, Xiong Z, Hu X, Wang M, Zhang L, Zhao K, Qiao Z, Lai W, Lv C, Kou X, Zhao Y, Yin J, Liu W, Jiang Y, Chen M, Xu R, Le R, Li C, Wang H, Wan X, Wang H, Han Z, Jiang C, Gao S, Chen J.(2018)Reduced Self-Diploidization and Improved Survival of Semi-cloned Mice Produced from Androgenetic Haploid Embryonic Stem Cells through Overexpression of Dnmt3b. Stem Cell Reports. pii: S2213-6711(18)30001-8.
3.Gao Y, Liu X, Tang B, Li C#, Kou Z, Li L, Liu W, Wu Y, Kou X, Li J, Zhao Y, Yin J, Wang H, Chen S, Liao L, Gao S.(2017)Protein Expression Landscape of Mouse Embryos during Pre-implantation Development.Cell Rep. 21(13):3957-3969. (#co-first authors)
4.Liu X, Wang C, Liu W, Li J, Li C, Kou X, Chen J, Zhao Y, Gao H, Wang H, Zhang Y, Gao Y and Gao S. (2016) Distinct features of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 chromatin domains in pre-implantation embryos. Nature 19362
5.Zhang B, Zheng H, Huang B, Li W, Xiang Y, Peng X, Ming J, Wu X, Zhang Y, Xu Q, Liu W, Kou X, Zhao Y, He W, Li C, Chen B, Li Y, Wang Q, Ma J, Yin Q, Kee K, Meng A, Gao S, Xu F, Na J, Xie W. (2016) Allelic reprogramming of the histone modification H3K4me3 in early mammalian development. Nature 19361
6.Xiang P, Wu KC, Zhu Y, Xiang L, Li C, Chen DL, Chen F, Xu G, Wang A, Li M, Jin ZB. (2014) A novel Bruch's membrane-mimetic electrospun substrate scaffold for human retinal pigment epithelium cells. Biomaterials.35:9777-88.
7.Terashita Y, Yamagata K, Tokoro M, Itoi F, Wakayama S, Li C, Sato E, Tanemura K, Wakayama T. (2013)Latrunculin A treatment prevents abnormal chromosome segregation for successful development of cloned embryos. PLoS One. 8:e78380.
8.Wakayama S, Kohda T, Obokata H, Tokoro M, Li C, Terashita Y, Mizutani E, Van Thuan N, Kishigami S, Ishino F, Wakayama T. (2013) Successful serial recloning in the mouse over multiple generations. Cell Stem Cell. 12:293-7
9.Nagashimada M, Ohta H, Li C, Nakao K, Uesaka T, Brunet JF, Amiel J, Trochet D, Wakayama T, Enomoto H, (2012) Autonomic neurocristopathy-associated mutations in PHOX2B dysregulate Sox10 expression. J Clin Invest. 122:3145-58.
10.Terashita Y, Wakayama S, Yamagata K, Li C, Sato E, Wakayama T, (2012) Latrunculin A can improve the birth rate of cloned mice and simplify the nuclear transfer protocol by gently inhibiting actin polymerization. Biol Reprod. 86:180.
11.Yamagata K, Iwamoto D, Terashita Y, Li C, Wakayama S, Hayashi-Takanaka Y, Kimura H, Saeki K, Wakayama T. (2012) Fluorescence cell imaging and manipulation using conventional halogen lamp microscopy. PLoS One. 7:e31638.
12.Li C, Wakayama T, (2012) Cloned mice from embryonic stem cells. Encyclopedia of molecular cell biology and molecular medicine.
13.Li C*#, Mizutani E, Ono T, Terashita Y, Jia X-F, Shi H-J, Wakayama T, (2011) Mouse Spermatozoa Preserved for Six Months Without Freezing Can Develop to Full Term. Biol Reprod. 85:1183-90.(*First author, #Correspondence)
14.Terashita Y, Li C, Yamagata K, Sato E, Wakayama T. (2011) Effect of fluorescent mercury light irradiation on in vitro and in vivo development of mouse oocytes after parthenogenetic activation of sperm microinjection. J Reprod Dev. 57:564-71.
15.Ono T, Mizutani E, Li C, Yamagata K, Wakayama T. (2011) Offspring from intracytoplasmic sperm injection of aged mouse oocytes treated with caffeine of MG132. Genesis. 49:460-71.
16.Ono T, Li C, Mizutani E, Terashita Y, Yamagata K, Wakayama T. (2010) Inhibition of Class IIb Histone Deacetylase Significantly Improves Cloning Efficiency in Mice. Biol Reprod. 83:929-37.
17.Ono T, Mizutani E, Li C, Wakayama T. (2009) Preservation of sperm within the mouse cauda epididymidis in salt or sugars at room temperature. Zygote. 29:1-12.
18.Li C*#, Mizutani E, Ono T, Wakayama T. (2009) An Efficient Method for Generating Transgenic Mice Using NaOH-treated Spermatozoa. Biol Reprod. 82:331-40. (*First author, #Correspondence)
19.Wakayama S, Kawahara Y, Li C, Yamagata K, Yuge L, Wakayama T.(2009)Detrimental Effects of Microgravity on Mouse Preimplantation Development In Vitro PLoS One. e6753.
20.Li C*#, Mizutani E, Ono T, Wakayama T. (2009). Production of normal mice from spermatozoa denatured with high alkali treatment before ICSI. Reproduction 137:779-92. (*First author, #Correspondence)
21.Ono T, Mizutani E, Li C, Wakayama T. (2008) Nuclear Transfer Preserves the Nuclear Genome of Freeze-Dried Mouse Cells. J Reprod. Dev. 54:486-91.
22.Mizutani E, Ono T, Li C, Maki-Suetsugu R, Wakayama T. (2008) Propagation of senescent mice using nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell lines. Genesis 46:478-83.
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